Welcome to the Official WC USBC Website


Delegates represent our Association at National and NYS Meetings, where we have a voice and a vote.

The National USBC and New York State USBC Associations must hold annual meetings, as we do, to conduct the business before them.  Westchester County USBC delegates must be elected to represent our association at the respective conventions, and report back to the Board with the results. 


Delegates are based on total membership.  Regardless of the allowed delegates, the WC Board has decided based on financial consideration, we can send one (1) delegate to the National USBC Convention, and two (2) delegates to the NYS Convention. 


Every year at our annual membership meeting, we conduct elections for delegates with alternates.  A nominating committee accepts and reviews all candidates submitted for consideration and prepares a slate of candidates to be presented to the membership.  At the annual meeting, nominations are made both from the proposed slate, as well as from the floor at the meeting.  Elections are held, and based on the results the candidates take office on August 1st and attend the respective meeting.




USBC National Delegate (1)           

             Angelo Corradino



NYS USBC Delegates – Adult (2 maximum)

             Jose Rojas

            Thomas Solimini, Sr.


             Alternate (1): Barbara Campisi